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Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
-Viktor Frankl

Foggy Lake
Blurry Drops


Dr. Lucia Tecuta, PhD

I am an American and Italian bilingual cognitive behavioral psychotherapist and clinical psychologist based in the northern Italian city of Bologna. With a dedication to fostering positive change and promoting mental health and well-being, I specializes in three key areas:


 Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT): I am a trained practitioner of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy, a therapeutic approach that empowers individuals to identify and challenge irrational beliefs, fostering healthier thought patterns and emotional well-being with an overarching goal of embracing unconditional self-acceptance and acceptance of uncomfortable emotions.  Through a collaborative and evidence-based process, clients are guided towards achieving lasting positive transformations in their lives.


Eco and Climate-Conscious Approach: Recognizing the interconnectedness between mental health and environmental well-being and the rapidly changing climate crisis I apply an Eco and Climate-Conscious lens to my work. Grounded in a deep understanding of the psychological impact of ecological concerns and loss, this specialized approach addresses the emotional challenges associated with climate change, providing clients with the tools to navigate these complex emotions. The approach cultivates a resilient narrative, recognizing the shared responsibility to act and contribute to solutions without neglecting self-care, one's environment, and others. It opposes placing blame on the individual and acknowledges the constraints imposed by a severely unhealthy system and culture of "un-care" towards the planet and living beings.



In the delicate intersection of trauma and the far-reaching impacts of climate change, I bring a nuanced approach to my clinical and training activities. Recognizing that environmental upheavals can engender profound emotional distress, I integrate psychotraumatology principles with eco-conscious therapy. The evolving landscape of climate-related challenges can give rise to traumatic responses, as individuals grapple with loss, displacement, existential dilemmas, loss of sense of belonging, loneliness, and an overarching sense of ecological upheaval and degradation.



You can find out more about my current work under "Workshops", "Projects" and "Consultations"


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